WEDway Radio - Walt Disney World and Disneyland Examined with some Disney History
Brothers, Matt and Nate Parrish discuss the history of Disney theme parks and the Walt Disney Co. In examining, we look at influences that shaped the company, including projects and eras, attractions and themed lands, including architectural styles, and inspiration behind many of the decisions that the Walt Disney Co. has made over the years.

Thanks for downloading WEDWay Radio, a show about Disney Parks, Disney History and touring.  This is episode 114: Walt's Dream: 30 Years of Discovery.

On this episode we start a new series to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Epcot, where we'll look at the five decades of EPCOT.  We'll begin with our first installment and examine Walt's Dream of EPCOT, the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow and examine Walt's early for the Florida Project including the most important and exciting aspect, EPCOT.


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