WEDway Radio - Walt Disney World and Disneyland Examined with some Disney History
Brothers, Matt and Nate Parrish discuss the history of Disney theme parks and the Walt Disney Co. In examining, we look at influences that shaped the company, including projects and eras, attractions and themed lands, including architectural styles, and inspiration behind many of the decisions that the Walt Disney Co. has made over the years.

Thanks for downloading WEDWay Radio, a show about Disney history, Disney Parks and touring.  This is episode 117 - The Metro Retro Historical Society - Greatest and Worst.

This show is a gathering of Disney historians to discuss an issues, events, era's within the lexicon of Disney history.  We are happy to be joined by an old friend, Michael Crawford of Progress City USA and Jeff Crawford of the Progress City Radio Hour to help us conduct our first meeting of the Metro Retro Historical Society.  

The subject of tonight is Disney greatness and failure where we pose the two questions:

What is the greatest five year span in Disney history


What is the worst five year span in Disney history

Enjoy this show because it was a lot of fun to create.  This is the second meeting of the Metro Retro Historical Society.  Let us know what you think, and what subjects you'd like us to tackle.


Check out the show notes for this and every episode of WEDWay Radio at

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We want to thank you again for listening! 

Direct download: wedwayradio117.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:48am UTC